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Request to view at the Prints & Drawings Study Room, level C , Case MB2F, Shelf DR77, Box BRITISH MUSEUM POSTERS

The Claw of the Italian Invader Grasps to Enslave Us

1937 (published)
Place of origin

The designer of this poster, Amado Oliver, was associated with the Union General de Trabajadores, a Socialist trades union. His poster was published to rally opposition to the 50,000 troops who had arrived in Spain from Italy in March 1937. They were there to support the aim of the Right-wing Nationalist leader, General Francisco Franco (1892-1975), of capturing Madrid and overthrowing the Socialist government.

Object details

Object type
  • The Claw of the Italian Invader Grasps to Enslave Us (assigned by artist)
  • La Garra Del Invasor Italiano Pretende Esclavizarnos (assigned by artist)
Materials and techniques
Colour lithograph
Brief description
Amado Oliver.'La Garra Del Invasor Italiano Pretende Esclavizarnos'. Spanish War poster issued by the Junta Delegada de Defensa de Madrid, 1937.
Physical description
Portrait format poster printed in colours on a cream ground. A huge hand descends from upper right corner to centre of image. It is printed in diagonal stripes of red, white and green and is patterned with parallel lines of stylised marching soldiers. The hand reaches down with a pincer movement of thumb and forfinger to grasp at the centre of a stylised map of Spain printed in brown. Around the lower margin and reaching up the left margin is the caption printed in capitals.
  • Sheet height: 997mm
  • Sheet width: 715mm
Production typeMass produced
Marks and inscriptions
  • Oliver (Signature; upper left corner; lithography)
  • Junta Delega De Defensa De Madrid/ Delegacion De Propaganda Y Prensa (Distributor's identification; Spanish; upper left; lithography)
    Council For The Defence Of Madrid/ Delegation of Press and Propaganda
  • Sindicato Professionales Bellas Artes U.G.T.[Union General de Trajabadores] (Distributor's identification; Spanish; lower left corner; lithography)
    Professional Syndicate of Fine Arts. [ Workers General Union]
  • Rivedeneyra.C.O.-Madrid. (Maker's identification; Spanish; bottom right corner)
Credit line
Given by the Editor of The Studio.

Reproduced courtesy of the Ministerio de Educación y Cultura, Archivo Histórico Nacional, Sección Guerra Civil, Cartel No 481
Subjects depicted
Place depicted
The designer of this poster, Amado Oliver, was associated with the Union General de Trabajadores, a Socialist trades union. His poster was published to rally opposition to the 50,000 troops who had arrived in Spain from Italy in March 1937. They were there to support the aim of the Right-wing Nationalist leader, General Francisco Franco (1892-1975), of capturing Madrid and overthrowing the Socialist government.
Bibliographic reference
Victoria and Albert Museum, Department of Engraving, Illustration and Design and Department of Paintings, Accessions 1937, London: Board of Education, 1938.
Accession number

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Record createdMarch 8, 2003
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