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Elevation of Villa Almerico Capra (La Rotonda), Vicenza

mid 18th century (made)
Place of origin

Villa Almerico Capra (La Rotonda) was commissioned from Andrea Palladio (1508-1580) in 1566 by the canon Paolo Almerico. It was intended as a suburban residence in the outskirts of Vicenza and is considered an icon of Palladian design. The project consists of a square plan organized symmetrically around a circular hall: the rotunda. The building is accessed on all four sides via identical temple-front porticoes, each occupying the centre of a façade. Although inhabitable from 1569, the building was not fully completed until the early 17th century under the supervision of architect Vincenzo Scamozzi (1548-1616). In 1593, it was acquired by the brothers Odorico and Marco Capra.

This drawing shows an elevation of Villa Almerico Capra. The ground level consists of a high plinth surmounted by a monumental staircase leading to the principal floor (piano nobile). At this level, the façade is centred around a grand, five-bay temple-front portico with columns, pulvinated entablatures and pediments of the Ionic order. The third level is a high attic with unadorned square openings. At the level of the roof, the elongated cupola signals the rotunda space below.

The drawing belongs to a set of 66 measured drawings of Italian Renaissance and Ancient Roman architecture which the V&A purchased from Edwin Parsons in 1886. The Parsons set may belong to a larger series of over 700 architectural drawings scattered in English and international collections formerly owned by the British Consul at Venice, Joseph Smith (1682-1770). A proponent of Palladian architecture, Smith began collecting measured drawings of classical and Renaissance architecture from the early 1740s. Today, most of this material exists in a series of bound volumes at the Royal Collection (where the Admiranda Artis Architecturae Varia is kept) and at the British Library (which holds the three-volume Admiranda Urbis Venetae), as well as in loose sheets scattered in collections across Europe and North America including the Royal Institute of British Architects and the Canadian Centre for Architecture.

The author of these drawings is unknown. However, their style and subject matter suggests the involvement of the Venetian architect, painter, engraver and theorist Antonio Visentini (1688-1782). A member of the Venetian Academy since its foundation in 1755, Visentini was affiliated with Smith and executed a vast number of architectural drawings for the British Consul as well as for a broader British collector base. Most of these drawings are scaled in English feet and consist of simplified plans and elevations of exemplary Italian architecture. Often produced as a series, the drawings were purchased by British Gentlemen to be included in their libraries and collections. The present drawing forms part of this material. The drawing is not signed by Visentini, but may have been produced by one of Visentini’s workshop members or pupils or by an unknown draughtsman working in the style of Visentini.

Object details

Object type
TitleElevation of Villa Almerico Capra (La Rotonda), Vicenza (generic title)
Materials and techniques
Pencil, pen and ink with grey wash on paper
Brief description
Elevation of Villa Almerico Capra (La Rotonda), Vicenza, Italy, mid 18th century (made)
Physical description
Elevation of Villa Almerico Capra (La Rotonda) in Vicenza, in pencil, pen and ink with grey wash on paper. The drawing, in a landscape format, depicts one of the four, identical elevations of the building.
  • Length: 487mm (Note: Measurements taken at the opening of the mount)
  • Width: 360mm (Note: Measurements taken at the opening of the mount)
Marks and inscriptions
  • ‘Vicenza. Palazzo del Marchese Capra’, inscribed in pencil in the lower right of the sheet in another hand.
  • ‘48’, inscribed in pencil in the upper right in another hand.
Object history
The object was purchased from Edwin Parsons in 1886 as part of a collection of 66 drawings of Italian Renaissance and Ancient Roman architecture. Edwin Parsons was a dealer in books, prints and drawings. He was the founder of Edwin Parsons & Sons (1850-1950s) at 45 Brompton Road SW7. Parsons had a notable client base reportedly including the writer William Makepeace Thackeray, Sir John Pierpoint Morgan (of J.P. Morgan), and Napoleon III.
This drawing is one of two sheets depicting Villa Almerico Capra included in the E. Parsons series (see D.1491-1886). Both depict the project in an idealized form with elements drawn from the executed design, from Palladio’s original project depicted in the Quattro libri… (The Four Books On Architecture), and from the draughtsman’s own imagination. In the elevation, the cupola contrasts with the squat dome built by Scamozzi and is closer to the semi-circular dome visible in Palladio’s engravings. Further, the temple-front porticoes are depicted significantly larger than the realised building altering its proportions and fenestration. The drawing is comparable to a loose sheet at the Royal Institute of British Architects (SD40[214]2) with which it shares the subject matter, the layout, the quality of draughtsmanship, and the depiction the temple-front portico with exaggerated proportions. A series of more accurate elevations of Villa Capra executed in the manner of Visentini exist as loose sheets at the Royal Institute of British Architects (SD40[214]3; SD40[214]4) and at the Canadian Centre for Architecture (DR1985:0600).

Subjects depicted
Villa Almerico Capra (La Rotonda) was commissioned from Andrea Palladio (1508-1580) in 1566 by the canon Paolo Almerico. It was intended as a suburban residence in the outskirts of Vicenza and is considered an icon of Palladian design. The project consists of a square plan organized symmetrically around a circular hall: the rotunda. The building is accessed on all four sides via identical temple-front porticoes, each occupying the centre of a façade. Although inhabitable from 1569, the building was not fully completed until the early 17th century under the supervision of architect Vincenzo Scamozzi (1548-1616). In 1593, it was acquired by the brothers Odorico and Marco Capra.

This drawing shows an elevation of Villa Almerico Capra. The ground level consists of a high plinth surmounted by a monumental staircase leading to the principal floor (piano nobile). At this level, the façade is centred around a grand, five-bay temple-front portico with columns, pulvinated entablatures and pediments of the Ionic order. The third level is a high attic with unadorned square openings. At the level of the roof, the elongated cupola signals the rotunda space below.

The drawing belongs to a set of 66 measured drawings of Italian Renaissance and Ancient Roman architecture which the V&A purchased from Edwin Parsons in 1886. The Parsons set may belong to a larger series of over 700 architectural drawings scattered in English and international collections formerly owned by the British Consul at Venice, Joseph Smith (1682-1770). A proponent of Palladian architecture, Smith began collecting measured drawings of classical and Renaissance architecture from the early 1740s. Today, most of this material exists in a series of bound volumes at the Royal Collection (where the Admiranda Artis Architecturae Varia is kept) and at the British Library (which holds the three-volume Admiranda Urbis Venetae), as well as in loose sheets scattered in collections across Europe and North America including the Royal Institute of British Architects and the Canadian Centre for Architecture.

The author of these drawings is unknown. However, their style and subject matter suggests the involvement of the Venetian architect, painter, engraver and theorist Antonio Visentini (1688-1782). A member of the Venetian Academy since its foundation in 1755, Visentini was affiliated with Smith and executed a vast number of architectural drawings for the British Consul as well as for a broader British collector base. Most of these drawings are scaled in English feet and consist of simplified plans and elevations of exemplary Italian architecture. Often produced as a series, the drawings were purchased by British Gentlemen to be included in their libraries and collections. The present drawing forms part of this material. The drawing is not signed by Visentini, but may have been produced by one of Visentini’s workshop members or pupils or by an unknown draughtsman working in the style of Visentini.
Bibliographic references
  • McAndrew, John. Catalogue of the Drawings Collection of the Royal Institute of British Architects: Antonio Visentini. Farnsborough: Gregg, 1974. 130p., ill. ISBN 0576159999.
  • Modesti, Paola. I disegni architettonici di Antonio Visentini (1688-1782): un corpus autografo inedito e una produzione con un’etichetta da riconsiderare. In: Alessandro Bordini and Giovanna Curcio, eds. Porre un limite all’infinito errore.’ Studi di storia dell’architettura dedicati a Christof Thoenes. Rome: Campisano, 2014. pp. 191-208, ill. ISBN 8888168524.
  • Vivian, Francis. The Consul Smith Collection: masterpieces of Italian drawing from the Royal Library, Windsor Castle : Raphael to Canaletto. Munich: Hirmer, 1989. 200 p., ill. ISBN 3777452505.
Accession number

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Record createdJune 30, 2009
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