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Grüß Gott mit hellem Klang

1932 (made)
Place of origin

This German film poster is advertising a sound film featuring 35,000 singers, part of the German Choral Festival in Frankfurt-am-Main. The title and the imagery of waving flags emblazoned with insignia, above a mass of heads, seems to embody rising nationalist and patriotic fervour.

Object details

Object type
TitleGrüß Gott mit hellem Klang (generic title)
Materials and techniques
Printed paper
Brief description
Bavarian Poster, printed by Vereinigte Kunstanstalten AG, Kaufbeuren, 1932
Marks and inscriptions
'Grüß Gott mit hellem Klang. 3500 Singen im Tonfilm. vom 11. Deutschen Sängerbundesfest in Frankfurt a./M. Döring-Film, Hannover'
Credit line
Given by Michael Voggenauer, in memory of his father Josef Voggenauer
Historical context
The title of the poster is an old German folklore song. The poster is advertising a sound film featuring 35,000 singers, part of the German choral festival in Frankfurt-am-Main. The poster has been authorized and stamped 1932 by the Film Authorisation Bureau in Berlin. The poster shows the various flags with the symbols of different singing communities (choirs).

The Singing Community Festival takes place from 21-24 July in Frankfurt/Main.

Folklore Singing Communities organize festivals, hiking and river excursions. They have always been very popular in Germany but less so in the last twenty to thirty years.

Old German term: Sangerbund
New German term: Gesangsverein
Alternatively: Chor

The national organisation is now called "Deutscher Chorverband" (German Choral Association). It was formerly known as "Deutscher Sangerbund" (German Singer Confederation).

Doring Film, the film production company, was a well known and highly established institution of the Weimarer Republik and mainly produced cultural films.
This German film poster is advertising a sound film featuring 35,000 singers, part of the German Choral Festival in Frankfurt-am-Main. The title and the imagery of waving flags emblazoned with insignia, above a mass of heads, seems to embody rising nationalist and patriotic fervour.
Accession number

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Record createdMay 23, 2006
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