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Leaf from a Book of Hours

Manuscript Cutting
mid 1490s (made)
Place of origin

Full-page miniature showing the Presentation in the Temple. Decorated border with illusionistic peacock feathers.
Verso not visible. Mounted onto card.

Object details

Object type
TitleLeaf from a Book of Hours
Materials and techniques
Brief description
Miniature showing the Presentation in the Temple, attributed to the circle of the Master of the First Prayer Book of Maximilian, from the Hours of Louis Quarré (Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Douce 311), Ghent (Flanders), c.1495.
Physical description
Full-page miniature showing the Presentation in the Temple. Decorated border with illusionistic peacock feathers.
Verso not visible. Mounted onto card.
  • Height: 221mm
  • Width: 141mm
  • External border height: 215mm
  • External border width: 134mm
  • Miniature only height: 165mm
  • Miniature only width: 91mm
Production typeUnique
Gallery label
Fragmented Illuminations: Medieval and Renaissance Manuscript Cuttings at the V&A, 08/09/2021 - 26/06/2022, rooms 88A-90

A Rediscovered Miniature
This Presentation of Christ in the Temple has been considered a copy since 1906, but research for this display has shown that it came from the late 15th century Hours of Louis Quarré, now in Oxford. Quarré was an important finance official at the Burgundian court and his book of hours with illusionistic borders exemplifies the luxury book production fashionable at the time in Flanders (now Belgium).

Presentation in the Temple, from the Hours of Louis Quarré
(Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Douce 311)
Attributed to the circle of the Master of the First Prayer Book of Maximilian
Ghent, Flanders (now Belgium), about 1495
Ink, gold, watercolour and bodycolour on parchment
Museum no. 4101
Object history
Entry in Register of drawings: ‘Miniature on vellum. The wise men’s offering (marked Gibbs Sept. 1856) Price £1.0.0. size 8 ½ x 5 ¾'.
Acquired by Gibbs (probably James Gibbs) in September 1856 (inscription on the back recorded in the Register of Drawings). Bought for £1 by the museum before 5 June 1864 when it was transferred from the Art Museum. Considered by Sydney Cockerell (1867-1962) to be a copy in a 1906 letter (pasted on the back of the mount) to Dr Edward Fairbrother Strange of the National Art Library.
Bibliographic reference
Yvard, C., 'From codex to leaf and from copy to original artwork: the reincarnations of two 15th-century miniatures (V&A 4101 and 4280)', in Fragmented illuminations: the many lives of manuscript cuttings, ed. by C. Yvard, London: UCL Press/V&A Publishing, forthcoming.
Accession number

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Record createdJune 30, 2009
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