Marvel Comics Group
The V&A has 15 works related to Marvel Comics Group.
Made between 1964 and 1986, these objects form part of the National Art Library and Young V&A Collection. We hold work made from ink, paper and polyvinyl chloride. Related makers include Mego Corp and Imperial Toy.
object is
on display at Young V&A
in the V&A collections
From the collections
15 objects made by Marvel Comics Group
- The Incredible Hulk, action figure, manufactured by Mego Corp, 1979
- The Incredible Hulk, Finger puppet, manufactured by Imperial Toy, 1978
- The X-Men, comic, published by Marvel Comics Group, 1965
- Special Edition X-Men, comic, published by Marvel Comics Group, 1983
- The Amazing Spider-Man, comic, published by Marvel Comics Group, 1964
- X-Men, comic, published by Marvel Comics Group, 1978
- X-Men, comic, published by Marvel Comics Group, 1975
- The X-Men, comic, published by Marvel Comics Group, 1966
- The Last Marvel Team-Up; Spider-Man and The Uncanny X-Men, comic, published by Marvel Comics Group, 1985
- X-Men, comic, published by Marvel Comics Group, 1976
- The Amazing Spider-Man, comic, published by Marvel Comics Group, 1970
- The Amazing Spider-Man, comic, published by Marvel Comics Group, 1971
- X-Men, comic, published by Marvel Comics Group, 1978
- Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man, comic, published by Marvel Comics Group, 1986
- The Amazing Spider-Man, comic, published by Marvel Comics Group, 1974