Pocknell Design
The V&A has 5 works related to Pocknell Design.
Made between 1986 and 1995, these objects form part of the Prints, Drawings & Paintings Collection. We hold work made from paper (fiber product).
From the collections
5 objects made by Pocknell Design
- Trade catalogue for Parilux Paper and Board, print, Davidson, Andrew, ca.1991
- Trade catalogue for Parilux Paper and Board, print, Hughes, David, ca.1991
- Trade catalogue for Parilux Paper and Board, print, Pocknell, David, ca.1991
- Introduction card, on 'Parilux' two tone part of trade catalogue for Parilux Paper and Board, print, by Unknown, ca.1991
- Card slip case part of the trade catalogue for Parilux Paper and Board, print, designed by Pocknell Design, ca.1991