W. Höffert
The V&A has 32 works related to W. Höffert.
Made between 1804 and 1903, these objects form part of the Department of Photography. We hold work made from photographic paper and card support.
in the V&A collections
From the collections
32 objects made by W. Höffert
- A portrait of a young woman, Photograph, W. Hoffert, 1860-1869
- A portrait of a man, Photograph, W. Hoffert, 1860-1869
- A portrait of a young woman, Photograph, W. Hoffert, 1860-1869
- A portrait of a woman, Photograph, W. Höffert, 1860-1869
- Portrait of Heinrich Vogl as 'Logi' in 'Das Rheingold', photograph, W. Höffert, 1896
- Portrait of Rosa Sucher and Alois Burgstaller in Der Ring des Nibelungen, photograph, W. Höffert, 1899
- Portrait of Marie Brema as 'Frieka' in 'Der Ring des Nibelungen', photograph, W. Höffert, 1897
- Portrait of Rosa Sucher and Alois Burgstaller in Der Ring des Nibelungen, photograph, W. Höffert, 1899
- Portrait of Prince Friedrich Leopold of Prussia, photograph, W. Höffert, ca. 1890s
- Portrait of Lilli Lehmann as 'Brünhilde' in 'Der Ring des Nibelungen', photograph, W. Höffert, 1896
- Portrait of Lilli Lehmann as 'Brünhilde' in 'Der Ring des Nibelungen', photograph, W. Höffert, 1896
- Portrait of Herr ?Anthes as 'Siegmund in 'Die Walküre', photograph, W. Höffert, 1895
- Portrait of Heinrich Gudehus in 'Dohengrin', photograph, W. Höffert, 1804-1895
- Portrait of Erik Schmedes as 'Siegfried', photograph, W. Höffert, ca. 1898
- Portrait of Herr ?Anthes as 'Siegfried' in 'Siegfried', photograph, W. Höffert, 1896
- Portrait of Herr Perron as 'Wotan' in 'Die Valküre', photograph, W. Höffert, 1896
- Portrait of Karl Scheidemantel as 'Hans Sachs' in 'Die Meistersinger', photograph, W. Höffert, 1894-1895
- Portrait of Karl Scheidemantel as 'Hans Sachs' in 'Die Meistersinger', photograph, W. Höffert, 1895
- Portrait of Karl Scheidemantel as 'Wolframm von Eschenback' in 'Taunhaüsen', photograph, W. Höffert, 1894
- Portrait of an unknown woman reading a letter, photograph, W. Höffert, ca. 1890s
- Portrait of Marie Wittich as 'Elizabeth' in 'Tannhäuser', photograph, W. Höffert, 1895
- Portrait of Therese Malten as 'Venus' in 'Tannhäuser', photograph, W. Höffert, 1894-1895
- Portrait of Milka Ternina as 'Kundry' in 'Parsifal', Photograph, W. Höffert, 1899
- Portrait of Alois Burgstaller as 'Siegfried', Photograph, W. Höffert, 1897
- Portrait of Alois Burgstaller as 'Siegfried', Photograph, W. Höffert, 1897
- Portrait of Karl Scheidemantel, Photograph, W. Höffert, 1895
- Portrait of portrait of Heinrich Vogl as 'Loge' in 'Das Rheingold', Photograph, W. Höffert, 1896-1897
- Portrait of portrait of Heinrich Vogl as 'Siegmund' in 'Die Valküre', Photograph, W. Höffert, August 1897
- Portrait of Anna von Mildenburg as 'Kundry' in 'Parsifal', Photograph, W. Höffert, August 1897
- Portrait of Milka Ternina as 'Kundry' in 'Parsifal', Photograph, W. Höffert, 1899
- Portrait of Therese Malten as 'Elizabeth' in 'Tannhäuser', Photograph, W. Höffert, ca. 1890s
- Portrait of Marie Wittich as 'Sieglinde' in 'Die Walküre', Photograph, W. Höffert, 1895