Bread and Puppet Theatre Company
The V&A has 21 works related to Bread and Puppet Theatre Company.
Made between 1950 and 2000, these objects form part of the Theatre and Performance Collection. We hold work made from ink, paper and card. Related makers include Unknown and Nazionale Firenze.
From the collections
13 objects made by Bread and Puppet Theatre Company
- Christ, or the Madonna on a Donkey, Poster, Casson, John, 1971
- Ah! Or The First Washerwoman Cantata, Poster, printed by Unknown, late 20th century
- Our Domestic Resurrection, Poster, designed by Bread and Puppet Theatre Company, 1973
- Earth, Poster, printed by Unknown, ca.1996
- The Wind Bloweth, Poster, designed by Whelan, Bill, ca.1973
- Masaccio, Poster, printed by Nazionale Firenze, 1970s
- The Story of One Who Set Out to Study Fear, Poster, printed by Unknown, late 20th century
- Swords and Plowshares, Poster, printed by Unknown, 1981
- The Same Boat. The Passion of Chico Mendes, Poster, Bread and Puppet Theatre Company, 1989
- Joan of Arc, Poster, printed by Bread and Puppet Theatre Company, 1977
- Masaccio, Poster, Bread and Puppet Theatre, 1979
- Bread and Puppet Theatre Company, Poster, printed by Unknown, ca.1996
- Domestic Resurrection Fair and Circus, Poster, Bread and Puppet Theatre Company, 1974