Giovanni Russo Grafico
The V&A has 9 works related to Giovanni Russo Grafico.
Made between 1993 and 2013, these objects form part of the Young V&A Collection. We hold work made from ink and card.
in the V&A collections
From the collections
9 objects made by Giovanni Russo Grafico
- Villa Emo, Fanzolo - TV, paper models, published by Giovanni Russo Grafico, ca. early 21st century
- Venezia - Ponte Di Rialto (sec.XVI), paper models, published by Giovanni Russo Grafico, ca. early 21st century
- Padova - Basilica Del Santo, paper models, published by Giovanni Russo Grafico, ca. early 21st century
- Padova - Palazzo Della Ragione (sec. XIII), paper models, published by Giovanni Russo Grafico, ca. early 21st century
- Padova - Piazza Dei Signori, Torre dell'Orologio (sec. XIV), paper models, published by Giovanni Russo Grafico, ca. early 21st century
- Verona - Anfiteatro Arena (I secolo D.C.), paper models, published by Giovanni Russo Grafico, ca. early 21st century
- Roma - Basilica Di S. Pietro (sec. XVII), paper models, published by Giovanni Russo Grafico, ca. early 21st century
- Roma - Anfiteatro Flavio "Colosseo" (79 d.C.), paper models, published by Giovanni Russo Grafico, ca. early 21st century
- Venezia - Basilica Di S. Marco (sec. XI), Paper model, published by Giovanni Russo Grafico, ca. early 21st century