École cantonale d'art de Lausanne
The V&A has 41 works related to École cantonale d'art de Lausanne.
Made between 2018 and 2018, these objects form part of the Design, Architecture and Digital Collection. We hold work made from extruded plastic. Related makers include Big-Game.
objects are
on display at V&A South Kensington
in the V&A collections
From the collections
41 objects made by École cantonale d'art de Lausanne
- Flint, Flint, designed by Thilo Alex Brunner, 2018
- Comb, designed by Chelsea Park, 2018
- Scissors, designed by Miji Noh, 2018
- Round Tray, designed by Mu-Hau Kao, 2018
- Smartphone Cover, designed by Thomas Missé, 2018
- Stationery Tray, Camille Blin, 2018
- Small Tray, designed by Camille Blin, 2018
- Box, Box, designed by Stéphane Halmaï-Voisard, 2018
- Ear Clips, Ear Clips, designed by Pauline Deltour, 2018
- Bottle Opener, Bottle Opener, designed by Michel Charlot, 2018
- Magic Tape Dispenser, Magic Tape Dispenser, Camille Blin, 2018
- Flying Spinning Top, Flying Spinning Top, designed by Jakob Reuter, 2018
- Black Bird, Black Bird, designed by Tomas Kral, 2018
- Smjör, Smjör, designed by Brynjar Sigurðarson, 2018
- Clothes Hook, Clothes Hook , designed by Sebastian Wrong, 2018
- Coat Peg, designed by Ignacio Merino, 2018
- Moon, designed by Jörg Boner, 2018
- Coat Hook, designed by Victor Moynier, 2018
- Pen, designed by Tomás Alonso, 2018
- Ballpoint Pen, designed by Christophe Guberan, 2018
- Cufflinks, Cufflinks, designed by Alberto Meda, 2018
- Tape Dispenser, designed by Oscar Estrada, 2018
- Ruler, designed by Sebastian Maluska, 2018
- Stem Vase, designed by Julie Richoz, 2018
- Vessel, designed by Byongseon Bae, 2018
- Spinning Top, designed by Nicholai Wiig Hansen, 2018
- Brooch, designed by Jana Marlene Lippert, 2018
- Buttons, designed by Kohei Kojima, 2018
- Lego, designed by Christian Spiess, 2018
- Ear Clips, designed by Youjung Jeong, 2018
- Wall Shelf, designed by Alexandre Picciotto, 2018
- Picture Frame, by Yesul Jang, 2018
- Clothes Hook, by Adrien Rovero, 2018
- Pea Whistle, designed by Anthony Guex, 2018
- Whistle, Camile Blin, 2018
- Drafting Pencil, designed by Margherita Banchi, 2018
- Clips, designed by Eva-Maria Beer, 2018
- Shoehorn, designed by Ignacio Merino, 2018
- Candle Holder, designed by Alexis Georgacopoulos, 2018
- Sucking Vase, designed by Chris Kabel, 2018
- Bracelet, Bracelet, designed by Carolien Niebling, 2018