Fattorini et Crespin
The V&A has 18 works related to Fattorini et Crespin.
Made between 1905 and 1914, these objects form part of the Prints, Drawings & Paintings Collection. We hold work made from lithographic ink.
in the V&A collections
From the collections
18 objects made by Fattorini et Crespin
- L'Opéra, Colour lithograph, Laviny, c.1910
- La Comedie Française (La Comedie), Colour lithograph, Laviny, c.1910
- L'Ambigu Comique (Le Drame), Colour lithograph, Laviny, c.1910
- La Chansonnette Parisienne (La Musique), Colour lithograph, Laviny, c.1910
- La Bastille (Sans-culotte 1789), Colour lithograph, Laviny, c.1910
- Le Bazar, Colour lithograph, Laviny, c.1910
- Le Palais des Beaux-Arts (La Peinture), Colour lithograph, Laviny, c.1910
- Le Bois de Boulogne, Colour lithograph, Laviny, c.1910
- Le Chat-Noir, Colour lithograph, Laviny, c.1910
- Le Quartier Latin (Etudiant 1830), Colour lithograph, Laviny, c.1910
- Le Moulin Rouge (La belle meunière), Colour lithograph, Laviny, c.1910
- La Presse Parisienne (La Presse), Colour lithograph, Laviny, c.1910
- La Ville de Paris, Colour lithograph, Laviny, c.1910
- "La Bourse (Garçon de recette)", Colour lithograph, Laviny, c.1910
- Le Palais de Justice (La Justice), Colour lithograph, Laviny, c.1910
- Les Folies-Bergère (La Folie), Colour lithograph, Laviny, c.1910
- Le Louvre, Colour lithograph, Laviny, c.1910
- Long-champ (Jockey), Colour lithograph, Laviny, c.1910