The Poster Collective
The V&A has 53 works related to The Poster Collective.
Made between 1965 and 1993, these objects form part of the Prints, Drawings & Paintings Collection. We hold work made from paper, ink and printing ink. Related makers include Grunwick Strike Committee and Paddington Printshop.
object is
on display at V&A South Kensington
in the V&A collections
From the collections
53 objects made by The Poster Collective
- Chile Resists, Poster, designed by The Poster Collective, ca. 1976
- Zimbabwe, Poster, designed by The Poster Collective, ca. 1977
- Equal Pay, Poster, designed by The Poster Collective, 1976
- Air India. Immingrant Labour., Poster, designed by The Poster Collective, 1977
- Defend Workers' Right To Organise. Support Grunwick Strikers, Poster, designed by The Poster Collective, 1977
- Poster, designed by The Poster Collective, 1971 to 1974
- We Will Not Be Divided In Our Common Struggle, Poster, designed by The Poster Collective, ca. 1976
- Zimbabwe. One Enemy: Imperialism [verso], Poster, designed by The Poster Collective, ca. 1977
- Unity Is Strength, Poster, Sturrock, John, ca. 1976
- Fight Redundancies, Poster, designed by The Poster Collective, ca. 1976
- Zimbabwe. One Enemy: Imperialism, Poster, designed by The Poster Collective, ca. 1977
- Have you seen these men?, Poster, designed by The Poster Collective, 1977
- Air India / Immigrant Labour, Poster, designed by The Poster Collective, ca. 1976
- Twelve Shifts of Gear, Poster, designed by The Poster Collective, ca. 1976
- Fight the cuts. Ban Private Practice for a National Health Service, Poster, designed by The Poster Collective, ca. 1977
- Fight Redundancies in the Workplace, Poster, designed by The Poster Collective, ca. 1976
- "We are our own liberators - ZANLA", Poster, designed by The Poster Collective, ca. 1976
- Free World/ Third World/ Socialist World, Poster, designed by The Poster Collective, ca. 1976
- Poster, designed by The Poster Collective, ca. 1977
- Internationale, Poster, designed by The Poster Collective, ca. 1976
- AUEW. The Industrial Relations Act, Poster, designed by The Poster Collective, ca. 1975
- Solidarity with liberation struggles in southern Africa, Poster, designed by The Poster Collective, ca. 1976
- Poster, designed by The Poster Collective
- Wherever there is oppression there is resistance, Poster, designed by The Poster Collective, ca. 1976
- Self-determination for the Irish People, Poster, designed by The Poster Collective, ca. 1977
- Poster, designed by The Poster Collective
- Eritrea, the struggle for liberation, Poster, designed by The Poster Collective, ca. 1977
- Struggle to overcome oppression in India, Poster, designed by The Poster Collective, 1976
- We Will Not Be Divided In Our Common Struggle, Poster, designed by The Poster Collective, ca. 1976
- Save the E.G.A., Poster, designed by The Poster Collective, 1978
- Word and Image, Poster, Paddington Printshop, ca. 1980s
- Poster, designed by The Poster Collective, ca. 1980
- Strikes, Poster, by Unknown, 1977
- Defend Workers' Rights to Organise, Poster, by Unknown, 1977
- A nation that enslaves another cannot itself be free, Poster, by Unknown, 1979-1980
- There flows from Latin America, Poster, by Unknown, ca. 1970s
- Which side are you on?, Poster, designed by The Poster Collective, 1970s
- Women's Rights, Poster, designed by The Poster Collective, 1970s
- Victory to People's War, Poster, designed by The Poster Collective, 1976
- No Weapon Can Defeat A People Decided To Be Free, Poster, designed by The Poster Collective, 1976
- "We are our own liberators - ZANLA", Poster, designed by The Poster Collective, ca. 1976
- Solidarity with Irish Women, Poster, designed by The Poster Collective, ca. 1976-82
- Victory to People's War, Poster, designed by The Poster Collective, ca. 1976-82
- Free World. Third World. Socialist World., Poster, designed by The Poster Collective, 1976
- Their Crisis. Our Jobs. We Demand Employment., Poster, designed by The Poster Collective, 1976
- Support The Struggle Of The United Farm Workers, Poster, designed by The Poster Collective, 1976
- A for africa, Poster, designed by The Poster Collective, 1976
- In Support Of The Courageous Stand Made By Hull Prisoners, Poster, Walker, Martin, 1976
- Those who take the meat from the table teach contentment, Poster, Walker, Martin, 1976
- Self-Determination For The Irish People, Poster, designed by The Poster Collective, 1977
- The Islington Gutter Press, Poster, designed by The Poster Collective, 1977
- Zimbabwe. One Enemy: Imperialism., Poster, designed by The Poster Collective, 1977
- Supporting An Army Of The People And For The People, Poster, designed by The Poster Collective, 1977