Lynx, UK
The V&A has 8 works related to Lynx, UK.
Made between 1983 and 1992, these objects form part of the Prints, Drawings & Paintings Collection and Textiles and Fashion Collection. We hold work made from cotton (textile), paper and printing ink. Related makers include Yellowhammer Advertising Limited.
From the collections
8 objects made by Lynx, UK
- Fur Coat with Matching Accessories, Poster, Barry Lategan, 1987
- It takes up to 40 dumb animals to make a fur coat., Poster, Bailey, David, 1986-1987
- Before You Buy a Fur Coat Look at the Inside, Poster, by Unknown, ca. 1988
- Stop the Bloody Fur Trade., Poster, by Unknown
- T-shirt, designed by Felstead, Cathie, 1990
- Flying Fur, T-shirt, made for Lynx, UK, 1990
- Rich Bitch, Poor Bitch, Poster, Linda McCartney, 1989
- T-shirt, designed by McManus, Hilary, 1990