Labour Party
The V&A has 12 works related to Labour Party.
Made between 1910 and 2005, these objects form part of the Prints, Drawings & Paintings Collection. We hold work made from paper (fiber product), ink and paper. Related makers include David Allen & Sons Ltd. and Centurion Press.
From the collections
12 objects made by Labour Party
- "Landless", Poster, Pryse, G. E. Spencer, 1910
- "Forward! The Day is Breaking!", Poster, Pryse, G.E. Spencer, 1910
- Let's Go with Labour and we'll get things done, Poster, Boswell, James, 1964
- Be afraid. Be very afraid, Poster, Beattie, Trevor, ca. 2001
- Let's Go with Labour and we'll get things done, Poster, Boswell, James, 1964
- See What Happens When You Don't Vote Labour ..., Poster, commissioned by Edwards, Garnet, 1983
- Harold Wilson says Say Yes to Europe, Poster, issued by Labour, 1975
- Poster, issued by Labour Party, 1980
- Vote for Them- Labour, Poster, issued by Labour, c. 1964
- Enough is Enough, Poster, Tim Cordell, 1996-7
- Say No To The Cruise Missiles, Poster, designed by Kennard, Peter Lawrence, 1980
- Mothers! Make The World Fit For Me, Poster, Lindsay, Ruby, 1918