Anti-Apartheid Movement
The V&A has 28 works related to Anti-Apartheid Movement.
Made between 1959 and 1993, these objects form part of the Prints, Drawings & Paintings Collection. We hold work made from paper (fiber product), printing ink and paper. Related makers include United Nations Special Committee Against Apartheid.
From the collections
28 objects made by Anti-Apartheid Movement
- Zimbabwe!, Poster, designed by King, David, ca. 1980
- Apartheid in Practice: Law and Order, Poster, designed by King, David, ca. 1980
- Apartheid in Practice: Health and Housing, Poster, designed by King, David, ca. 1980
- Stop the Execution of the Katumba Brothers! Stop the Execution of All Zimbambwean Political Prisoners!, Poster, designed by King, David, ca. 1980
- Release All South African Political Prisoners!, Poster, designed by King, David, ca. 1980
- Zimbabwe Freedom Rally!, Poster, designed by King, David, ca. 1980
- Amandla! Free the Pretoria 12!, Poster, designed by King, David, ca. 1980
- Stop Deaths in Detention!, Poster, designed by King, David, ca. 1980
- Stop the Torture of South African Political Detainees!, Poster, designed by King, David, 1977
- Free Nelson Mandela!, Poster, designed by King, David, ca. 1980
- No to Apartheid, Poster, designed by King, David, 1985
- Free Our Vice President/Free Nelson Mandela, Poster, published by Anti-Apartheid Movement, ca. 1964-1969
- Going to see the South African 'Whites Only' Cricket team? (it's not Cricket), Poster, Theo Crosby, 1965
- Anyone disobeying these laws will be imprisoned, fined, and/or whipped, Poster, issued by Anti-Apartheid, 1971
- Apartheid is enough to turn any civilized human being into a political prisoner, Poster, issued by Anti-Apartheid, c. 1970s
- Freedom March on South Africa House 1976, Poster, by Anti-Apartheid Movement, 1976
- British arms will make a great contribution to South Africa's way of life, Poster, issued by Anti-Apartheid Movement, circa 1970s
- British Arms will make a great contribution to South Africa's way of life, Poster, issued by Anti-Apartheid, c. 1980s
- If you could see their national sport, you might be less keen to see their cricket, Poster, issued by Anti-Apartheid, c. 1970s
- Stop Collaboration, Poster, issued by Anti-Apartheid, c. 1970s
- 'I am delighted to announce that black Rhodesians are completely sold out', Poster, issued by Anti-Apartheid, early 1970s
- Boycott Barclays, Poster, Anti-Apartheid Movement, 1979-1981
- Boycott Barclays, Poster, Ralph Steadman, 1979-1981
- Solidarity with the people of Southern Africa, Poster, by Anti-Apartheid Movement, c. 1980s
- Anyone disobeying these laws will be imprisoned, fined, and/or whipped, Poster, issued by Anti-Apartheid, 1971
- Majority Rule Now, Poster, commissioned by Anti-Apartheid Movement, 1975
- Amandla- Free South Africa Tour, Poster, designed by King, David, ca. 1980
- 21.3.60. Massacre of Africans at Sharpeville, Poster, issued by Anti-Apartheid, c. 1960s