National Council for Animal Welfare
The V&A has 6 works related to National Council for Animal Welfare.
Made between 1927 and 1952, these objects form part of the Prints, Drawings & Paintings Collection. We hold work made from printing ink and paper (fiber product).
From the collections
6 objects made by National Council for Animal Welfare
- Spare the eggs Spare the crops, Poster, designed by Bartram, H. H., 1949
- No Cruelty Adds to Well-Being, Poster, Brown, F. Gregory, ca.1932
- Horses, Poster, Hague, Sheila, c.1935
- Birds are your friends don't rob their nests, Poster, Hollick, Kenneth Russell, ca.1948-1949
- The Musk Rat, Poster, Parker, W. N., ca.1935
- The Grey Squirrel, Poster, Parker, W. N., ca.1935