The V&A has 167 works related to Schreiber.
Made between 1880 and 2013, these objects form part of the Young V&A Collection. We hold work made from card, plastic and paper. Related makers include unknown, EDAF and Württembergisches Landesmuseum, Stuttgart.
object is
on display at Young V&A
in the V&A collections
From the collections
99 of 167 objects made by Schreiber
- Theater-Bilderbuch, Pop-up book, by Schreiber, ca. 1885
- Fagus-Werk, Paper model, published by Schreiber, ca.2000s
- Sydney, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Coreva, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- DEA Tankstelle, Paper model, published by Schreiber, ca. 1990s
- Marien-Apotheke und Gewerbehalle, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Stephansdom in Wein, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Schloß Neuhaus, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Hotel Eisenhut Christkindlmarkt, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Grazer Uhrturm, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Ulmer Münster, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Staatsoper Dresden Semperoper, Model, published by Schreiber, ca. 2000s
- Götzenburg Castle, Möckmühl, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Frauenkirche Dresden, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- 3 Altstadthäuser, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Rosenberg, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Zwei Fachwerkhäuser aus Celle, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Zwei Häuser aus Lüneburg, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Marksburg, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Romantische Ritterburg / Romantic Knight's Castle, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Schloss Palace Nymphenburg München, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Neuschwanstein, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Altneu-Synagoge Prag, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Rotenfels, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Steineck, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Lichtenstein, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Marksburg, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Reichstag, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Römisches Landhaus, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Windmühle, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Häuser aus Lüneburg 1, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Krantor Danzig, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Frechshaus Forchheim, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Häuser aus Lüneburg 2, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Linderhof, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Bauernhaus Tamm, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Kölner Dom, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Schloss Sanssouci Potsdam, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Gerlach-Schmiede und Rödertor, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Himeji, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Dorf mit Fachwerkhäusern, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Rabenstein, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Kirche mit Pfarrhaus, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Hofburg, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Thun (CH), Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Rothenburg, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Grafenegg, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Horizontale Windmühle, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Hamburger Michel, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Hornmoldhaus in Bietigheim, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Mittelalterliche Burg, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Rheinstein, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Meyerhof in Wehdel, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Hornfeld, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Dom zu Speyer, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Festung Hohensalzburg, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Ronneburg, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Häuser aus Hameln 1 / Houses from Hameln 1 / Maisons de Hameln 1 / Case de Hameln 1 / Casas de Hameln 1, Model, designed by Schreiber, ca. 2000s
- Weißes Haus / White House, Model, designed by Schreiber, ca. 2000s
- Castillo de Neuschwanstein, Model, designed by Schreiber, ca. 1990s
- Burg Bärenfels, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Holstentor Lübeck, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Mittelalterliches Rathaus, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Albrecht-Dürer-Haus, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Schloß Hohenzollern, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- 3 kleine Burgen, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Knochenhauer-Amtshaus Hildesheim, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Romantische Ritterburg, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Greifenstein, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Geschäftshaus, 3 Altstadthäuser, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Falkenstein, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Wassermühle, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- 4 Altstadthäuser, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Vier Fachwerkhäuser, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Kirche in Gebirge, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Brandenburger Tor, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Ritterburg, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Stadtor, Apotheke, Stadtmauern, Altstadthaus, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Eltz, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Pfalz im Rhein bei Kaub, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Stadttor, Stadtmauern, 2 Altstadthäuser, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Rathaus, Schule, Brunnen, Spritzenhaus, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Vier klein Gebäude, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Siegmundseck, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Stolzeneck, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Windmühle mit Bauernhaus, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Stadtor, Apotheke, Stadtmauern, Altstadthaus, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Hoheneck, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Dreienfels, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Stadttor, Stadtmauern, 2 Altstadthäuser, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Forchheim, Model, published by Schreiber, c.2000s
- Seehafen, Model, published by Schreiber, probably 1920's
- Motorwagen, Model, published by Schreiber, ca. 1980
- Bauernhaus in der Lüneburger Heide, Model, published by Schreiber, ca. 1980
- Schwarzwälder Bauernhaus, Model, published by Schreiber, ca. 1980
- Bahnhof, Model, published by Schreiber, ca. 1980
- Wasserflugzeug, Model, published by Schreiber, ca. 1980
- Jahrmarkt, Model, published by Schreiber, ca. 1980