The V&A has 13 works related to Betexa.
Made between 1998 and 2006, these objects form part of the Young V&A Collection. We hold work made from card, plastic and printing ink.
in the V&A collections
From the collections
13 objects made by Betexa
- Zamek Breznice, paper models, published by Betexa, 1999
- Kokorín, Paper model, published by Betexa, 1998
- Krivoklát, Paper model, published by Betexa, 1998
- Zámek Orlík, Paper model, published by Betexa, 2001
- Zámek Veltrusy, Paper model, published by Betexa, 2003
- Hrad Karlstejn, Paper model, published by Betexa, 2000
- Hrad Bítov, Paper model, published by Betexa, 2003
- Sychrov, Paper model, published by Betexa, 1998
- Hrad Pernstejn, Paper model, published by Betexa, 2002
- Nádrazí Strelice, Paper model, published by Betexa, 2000
- Poutní Kostel Sv. Jana Nepomuckého Na Zelené Hore, Paper model, published by Betexa, 2002
- Hláska, Paper model, published by Betexa, 2003
- Pražský Hrad , Model, published by Betexa, 2006