Dover Publications Ltd.
The V&A has 41 works related to Dover Publications Ltd..
Made between 1932 and 1996, these objects form part of the Young V&A Collection and National Art Library. We hold work made from card, ink and paper.
From the collections
41 objects made by Dover Publications Ltd.
- A Victorian Seaside Resort, Paper model, published by Dover Publications Ltd., 1986
- Victorian Gothic House, paper models, published by Dover, 1995
- Frank Lloyd Wright's Robie House, Paper model, published by Dover Publications Ltd., 1987
- An Early American Seaport, Paper model, published by Dover Publications Ltd., 1984
- Western Frontier Fort, Paper model, published by Dover Publications Ltd., 1990
- Historic Buildings at Greenfield Village, Paper model, published by Dover Publications Ltd., 1988
- Paul Revere House, Paper model, published by Dover Publications Ltd., 1991
- Victorian "Painted Lady", Paper model, published by Dover Publications Ltd., 1996
- The Pretty Village, Paper model, published by Dover Publications Ltd., 1980
- New England Farmhouse, Paper model, published by Dover Publications Ltd., 1995
- Victorian Cottage, Paper model, published by Dover Publications Ltd., 1992
- Old Sturbridge Village Meetinghouse, Paper model, published by Dover Publications Ltd., 1991
- An Early New England Village, Paper model, published by Dover Publications Ltd., 1977
- The Pretty Village, Paper model, published by Dover Publications Ltd., 1980
- New York Harbor, Paper model, published by Dover Publications Ltd., 1986
- Victorian Shingle-Style House, Paper model, published by Dover Publications Ltd., 1996
- House of the Seven Gables, Paper model, published by Dover Publications Ltd., 1989
- Victorian Railroad Station, Paper model, published by Dover Publications Ltd., 1994
- Victorian Houses, Paper model, published by Dover Publications Ltd., 1979
- A Southern Plantation, Paper model, published by Dover Publications Ltd., 1989
- A Crusader Castle, Paper model, published by Dover Publications Ltd., 1986
- A Medieval Castle, Paper model, published by Dover Publications Ltd., 1984
- Maya Dioramas to Cut & Assemble, Full-Color Three-Dimensional Scenes of Chichén Itzá and Tulum, Paper model, designed by Kalmenoff, Matthew, 1989
- Easy-to-Make Windmill, A.G. Smith, Paper model, designed by Smith,, A. G., 1992
- Cut & Assemble the Emerald City of Oz, Dick Martin, Paper model, designed by Martin, Dick, 1980
- Cut & Assemble an Old Irish Village, Six Full-Color Buildings in H-O Scale, by Edmund V. Gillon, Jr., Paper model, designed by Gillon, Edmund V Jr., 1990
- Cut & Assemble British Pub, Peter Pohle, Paper model, designed by Pohle, Peter, 1992
- Easy-to-Make Playtime Farm, A.G. Smith, Paper model, designed by Smith,, A. G., 1988
- Cut & Assemble A Western Frontier Town, Edmund V. Gillon, Jr., 1- Picturesque Full-Color Buildings in H-O Scale, Paper model, designed by Gillon, Edmund V Jr., 1979
- Easy-to-Make Lighthouse, Edmund V. Gillon, Jr., Paper model, designed by Gillon, Edmund V Jr., 1991
- Cut & Assemble Early American Buildings at Old Bethpage Village Restoration, 6 Full-Color H-O Scale Models, by Edmund V. Gillon, Jr., Paper model, designed by Gillon, Edmund V Jr., 1990
- Cut & Assemble Lincoln's Springfield Home, A Full-Color H-O Scale Model, Edmund V. Gillon, Jr., Paper model, designed by Gillon, Edmund V Jr., 1990
- Cut & Assemble Suburban Houses of the Twenties, Four Buildings in H-O Scale, Edmund V. Gillon, Jr., Paper model, designed by Gillon, Edmund V Jr., 1993
- Cut & Assemble a Nineteenth-Century Mill Town in Full Color, An H-O Scale Model, Edmund V. Gillon, Jr., Paper model, designed by Gillon, Edmund V Jr., 1993
- Cut & Assemble an Old English Village in Full Color, 12 Bulidings and Structures in H-O Scale, Michael Grater & Marc Sewell, Paper model, designed by Sewell, Marc, 1986
- Cut & Assemble an Old-Fashioned Train in Full Color, Model, designed by Smith,, A. G., ca. 1987
- English furniture from Gothic to Sheraton; a concise account of the development of English furniture and woodwork from the Gothic of the fifteenth century to the classic revival of the early nineteenth, Book, by Cescinsky, Herbert, [1968], c1937
- Cut & Assemble Colonial Houses in Full Color, Five Historic Buildings in H-O Scale, Paper model, designed by Gillon, 1992
- Plains Indians Diorama, Model, published by Dover Publications Ltd., 1985
- The Nutcracker Ballet, Model, published by Dover Publications Ltd., 1981
- Chapbook ABC's, book, published by Dover Publications Ltd., 1974