Blackie & Son
The V&A has 28 works related to Blackie & Son.
Made between 1800 and 1999, these objects form part of the Prints, Drawings & Paintings Collection, National Art Library and Young V&A Collection. We hold work made from paper, printing ink and cloth. Related makers include Educational Supply Association Ltd..
From the collections
28 objects made by Blackie & Son
- The Fall of Man, Print, engraved by William Richardson, ca.1844
- Annunciation to the Shepherds, Print, engraved by Richardson, William, 19th century
- The Crucifixion, Print, engraved by Richardson, William, 19th century
- The Angel with the Book, Print, John Martin, 19th century
- Paul at Melita, Print, engraved by Forrest, William, 1844
- Belshazzar's Feast, Print, Horsburgh, John, 1844
- The Peaceable Kingdom, Print, Jeavons, Thomas, 1844
- The Peaceable Kingdom, Print, Jeavons, Thomas, 1844
- Annunciation to the Shepherds, Print, engraved by William Richardson, 19th century
- Villa and cottage architecture : select examples of country and suburban residence recently erected. With a full descriptive notice of each building, Book, published by Blackie & Son, 1868
- Lettering Plain and Ornamental, Copy book, published by Blackie & Son, ca. 1880
- Catalogue of Stationery Books & Requisites for Schools, Catalogue, made for Educational Supply Association, ca.1905
- Don Quixote Retold, Print, Crane, Walter R.W.S., 1900
- Don Quixote Retold, Print, Crane, Walter R.W.S., 1900
- Don Quixote Retold, Print, Crane, Walter R.W.S., 1900
- Don Quixote Retold, Print, Crane, Walter R.W.S., 1900
- Don Quixote Retold, Print, Crane, Walter R.W.S., 1900
- Don Quixote Retold, Print, Crane, Walter R.W.S., 1900
- Don Quixote Retold, Print, Crane, Walter R.W.S., 1900
- Don Quixote Retold, Print, Crane, Walter R.W.S., 1900
- Don Quixote Retold, Print, Crane, Walter R.W.S., 1900
- Don Quixote Retold, Print, Crane, Walter R.W.S., 1900
- Babes and Blossoms, Book, Robinson, Charles, ca. 1908
- Stories of old renown: tales of knights and heroes, Book, Hope, Ascott R., 1887
- Jack and the Gypsies, Book, Wood, Kate, 1904
- A Little Englishman, Book, Deakin, Jane, 1900s
- Captain Starlight, Book, Westerman, Percy F., 1929
- The Owl and the Pussy-cat, Model, published by Blackie & Son, 1986