Airfix Products Ltd
The V&A has 594 works related to Airfix Products Ltd.
Made between 1960 and 1984, these objects form part of the Young V&A Collection. We hold work made from plastic, card and paper. Related makers include Hasbro, Inc, Mego Corp and Miro Meccano SA - Miro Company.
objects are
on display at Young V&A
in the V&A collections
From the collections
99 of 594 objects made by Airfix Products Ltd
- FAMILY, Figure, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1973
- SUMMER TIME GIRLS, Teenage doll, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, ©1977
- Plans, Drawings and Sketches for a Hurricane Aircraft Model Kit, Drawings, by Airfix Products Ltd, 1972
- CAPTAIN EAGLE, Box Designs, Design drawing, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1975 to 1977
- CAPTAIN EAGLE, Box Designs, Design drawing, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1975 to 1977
- CAPTAIN EAGLE CARTOON SERIES, Design drawing, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1975 to 1977
- CAPTAIN EAGLE CARTOON SERIES, Design drawing, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1975 to 1977
- CAPTAIN EAGLE CARTOON SERIES, Design drawing, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1975 to 1977
- CAPTAIN EAGLE CARTOON SERIES, Design drawing, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1975 to 1977
- CAPTAIN EAGLE, Box Designs, Design drawing, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1975 to 1977
- CAPTAIN EAGLE, Box Designs, Design drawing, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1975 to 1977
- CAPTAIN EAGLE, Box Designs, Design drawing, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1975 to 1977
- CAPTAIN EAGLE CARTOON SERIES, Design drawing, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1975 to 1977
- CAPTAIN EAGLE CARTOON SERIES, Design drawing, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1975 to 1977
- CAPTAIN EAGLE CARTOON SERIES, Design drawing, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1975 to 1977
- Boeing 707, Painting, by unknown, 1963
- FUN TIME PUZZLE CLOCK, Teaching toy, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, ©1971
- COOTIE™ GAME, Table game, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, ©1973
- FIGHTER COMMAND GAME, Table game, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, ©1976
- CHESS, Chess set, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1974
- Phobos, Robot, manufactured by Mego Corp, 1977
- PLAYGROUND, Playground, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1977
- Star Destroyer, Model spaceship, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1982-1983
- ALLEY UP, Gravity defying game, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1971
- Romper Room Build and Play Tiles, Building block, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1971
- ROUNDHOUSE FRUITBALL, Gambling game, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1974
- Super Flight Deck, Aircraft, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1975
- Ringing Engine, Pull-along toy, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1960-1969
- WEEBLES™, Play set, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1973
- PERCY & CLARA, Play set figure, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1974
- FIREMAN & POLICEMAN, Play set figure, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1973
- DADDY & WILLY, Play set figure, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1973
- GRANNY & MUMMY, Play set figure, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1973
- HARBOUR & FAMILY, Play set, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1973
- TREEHOUSE, Play set, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1977
- ZOO & ANIMALS, Play set, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1976
- FARM YARD & ANIMALS, Play set, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1975
- Romper Room, Magnetic game, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1974
- UNCLE NED, Teaching toy, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1973
- PEG & PLAY CHEST, Construction toy, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1971
- DIGGER DOG, Toy dog, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1975
- HICKORY DICKORY, Baby toy, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1973
- TUMBLE SHAPES, Baby toy, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1973
- SNAIL'S PACE, Baby toy, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1973
- LAND 'N SEA, Baby toy, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1973
- ZERO-LIFT OFF, board games, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1969
- PLAYBALL, Ball game, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1970-1975
- FLYBALL, Ball game, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1970-1975
- MOTORWAY, Picture story book, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1971
- CINDERELLA, Picture story book, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1971
- VEGETABOBBLES, Picture story book, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1971
- WEATHER, Picture story book, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1971
- AIR STEWARDESS, Picture story book, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1971
- KATY'S KITCHEN, Picture story book, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1971
- JUNIOR JIGSAW PUZZLE, Jigsaw puzzle, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1960-1969
- WATER ROCKET, Water gun, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1969
- CLOWNS, Play set, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1978
- TOURIST BUS & DRIVER, Play set, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1979
- ZOO CAGE & ELEPHANT, Play set, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1975
- SNACK BAR, Play set, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1975
- PONY RIDE & ATTENDANT, Play set, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1975
- WEEBLE WOBBLER, Inflatable weeble, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1976
- PUNCHING CLOWN, Physical fitness equipment, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1973
- 1, 2, 3 UP, Checkers game, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1971
- PIN HEAD, Target game, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1969
- CARAVAN & CAMPER, Play set, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1974
- WOBBLE ENGINE, Play set, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1979
- BUBBLE BOAT & SAILOR, Play set, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1979
- MILKFLOAT, Play set, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1978
- AMBULANCE, Play set, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1979
- COTTAGE HOSPITAL, Play set, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1978
- PADDLING POOL, Play set, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1974
- HOUSE & FAMILY, Dolls' house, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1973
- PONY & CART, Horse and cart, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1975
- GYROBAT, Gyrobat, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1970
- ROCKET GLIDER, Rocket glider, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1974
- WATER ROCKET, Water gun, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1969
- P'NUTTIES, Construction toy, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1960-1969
- WWII GURKAS, Model soldier, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1977
- ICE CREAM VAN, Play set, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, 1979
- Equipment and Weapons, Action figure, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, dated 1982
- Equipment and Weapons, Action figure, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, dated 1982
- Gun and Gun Swivel, Action figure, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, dated 1982
- THE ENEMY, Action figure, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, dated 1982
- THE ENEMY, Action figure, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, dated 1982
- MOBILE MISSION SYSTEM & BOMBARDIER, Action figure, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, dated 1982
- BOFFIN, Action figure, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, dated 1982
- ACTION FORCE, Action figure, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, dated 1982
- Hooded and Masked Figure, Action figure, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, dated 1982
- Enemy Pirate Figure, Action figure, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, dated 1982
- Enemy Robot Figure, Action figure, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, dated 1982
- SAS Key Figure, with mine detecting equipment, Action figure, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, dated 1982
- SAS Key Figure, Action figure, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, dated 1982
- Cobra Trooper, Action figure, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, dated 1982
- Cobra Trooper, Action figure, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, dated 1982
- Snake Eyes, Action figure, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, dated 1982
- Mortar Soldier, Action figure, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, dated 1982
- Mortar Soldier, Action figure, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, dated 1982
- BRITISH OFFICER (COMMANDER), Action figure, manufactured by Airfix Products Ltd, dated 1982