Deutsche Werkstätten
The V&A has 7 works related to Deutsche Werkstätten.
Made between 1900 and 1947, these objects form part of the Furniture and Woodwork Collection and Prints, Drawings & Paintings Collection. We hold work made from cane (plant material), beech and mahogany.
object is
on display at V&A South Kensington
in the V&A collections
From the collections
7 objects made by Deutsche Werkstätten
- Beech chair with caned seat, Chair, designed by Riemerschmid, Richard, 1904-1906
- Chair, designed by Schneck, Adolf G., 1925-1928
- Seminar Chair, Chair, designed by Selmanagic, Selman, 1947
- Cabinet, designed by Riemerschmid, Richard, ca. 1905
- Base, designed by Riemerschmid, Richard, 1900-1905
- Sideboard, designed by Schneck, Adolf, ca. 1925-1930
- 'DeWe stoffe Mobel Teppich', Poster, commissioned by Deutsche Werkstätten, circa 1930