Woven Silk thumbnail 1
Woven Silk thumbnail 2
Not currently on display at the V&A

Woven Silk

15th century (made)
Place of origin

Textile. Silk woven in colours with broad and narrow bands containing geometrical forms and designs adapted from Arabic inscriptions. Three narrow bands contain cartouches each being filled in with an inscription.

Object details

Object type
Materials and techniques
Woven silk Dye samples of this textile were analysed as part of the project “Caracterización de las producciones textiles de la Antigüedad Tardía y Edad Media temprana: tejidos coptos, sasánidas, bizantinos e hispanomusulmanes en las colecciones públicas españolas” (“Characterization of Late Antique and Early Medieval textile production: Coptic, Sasanian, Byzantine and Spanish Muslim textiles in Spanish national collections”) (HAR2008-04161) directed by Dr Laura Rodríguez Peinado, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Dpt. de Historia del Arte I (Medieval). Analysis was conducted by Enrique Parra at the Alfonso X El Sabio University, Madrid. The dyes were analysed through high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), extracting threads with a thickness varying between 5 and 1mm by means of 100 µL of methanol/hydrochloric acid/water 1:2:1. The results for this textile were as follows: Red - Kermes Green - Indigo Blue - Indigo Yellow - Not detected
Brief description
1400s, Hispano-Moresque; Lampas, bands with stars
Physical description
Textile. Silk woven in colours with broad and narrow bands containing geometrical forms and designs adapted from Arabic inscriptions. Three narrow bands contain cartouches each being filled in with an inscription.
  • Length: 34.5in
  • Width: 14.75in
Marks and inscriptions
(Arabic inscription translated by Mr. R. Guest, November, 1902.)
'Greatness and victory good fortune and prosperity'
Object history
Purchased from M. Duseigneur, received by the Art Museum on 25 March 1893.
Two specimens of textile, one piece of brocatelle and one Hispano-Moresque silk, for the price of 350 francs. Registered as 426-1893 and 427-1893.

A similar piece of textile is preserved in the church at Nivelles.

Neg. 77773.
Historical context
Samples of coloured threads from this object have been taken and are being analysed as part of a collaboration between the V&A and the Spanish Research project "Caracterización de als producciones textiles de la Antigüedad Tardía y Edad Media temprana: tejidos coptos, sasánidas, bizantinos e hispanomusulmanes en las colecciones públicas españolas" ("Characterization of Late Antique and Early Medieval textile production: Coptic, Sasanian, Byzantine and Spanish Muslim textiles in Spanish national collections") (HAR2008-04161) directed by Dr Laura Rodríguez Peinado, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Dpt. de Historia del Arte I (Medieval).
Bibliographic reference
'L' Art Arabe', Prisse d'Avennes. Volume III. pl.149
Accession number

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Record createdJune 24, 2009
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